Klalits online doctorsThe clinic is closed and the heat is in the sky? Does the child complain of stomach aches in the middle of the night? Has a strange rash appeared? Klalits excellent family doctor, pediatrician and dermatologist are available for you online, without leaving your home.The service is intended for general customers only.What does the service offer?Consultation and initial guidance with doctors trained to give medical advice in remote medicine (telemedicine).The consultation is done with family doctors, pediatricians and skin specialists.How to use the service?1. Download the app.2. For family doctors, send an application at the following link (the screen will open after general online identification): https://r.clalit.co.il/5478w203. For pediatricians, send an application at the following link (the screen will open after general identification online): https://r.clalit.co.il/hf70upt4. For dermatologists, send an application at the following link (the screen will open after general online identification): https://r.clalit.co.il/czcscegTerms of service:- The service does not replace the clinic and is not an emergency medical center.- The dermatologist service is conditional on uploading three photos of the area for which you would like to consult. Without uploading photos it is not possible to receive advice.- The doctors in the service are doctors on duty who specialize in family medicine, children and skin. They change shifts and are not exposed to the patients medical history. Therefore, the scope of the service is limited to providing referrals to the ER and non-chronic or narcotic prescriptions.- At the end of the consultation you will receive a consultation summary document and the prescription and/or the referral directly to the email address. You can view all the information also in your medical file in general under "Consultant Medicine Visit Summaries".- Before the call, the patients ID number must be prepared.